Winkelstraat in Gent met openbare werken aan de gang

Hindrance premium

Which small enterprises are eligible?

Small enterprises must meet certain criteria to be eligible for the hindrance premium.

Only small enterprises may be eligible for the hindrance premium. With this premium, the Flemish government especially targets retail businesses (‘winkeliers’), hospitality (bars, restaurants, …) and service providers that normally come in close and direct contact with their customers.

However, there are some additional criteria that must be met (and that will be explained more thoroughly further on):

  • Maximum 9 employees
  • Fixed opening hours
  • Serious hindrance from roadworks:
    • The road is completely/ partially blocked;
    • The roadworks cover more than 50 m2;
    • The roadworks last at least 30 consecutive calendar days.

Number of employees: An enterprise can have no more than 9 employees. Temporary employees are not taken into account when determining the number of employees.

Fixed opening hours: Only enterprises with fixed opening hours may be eligible for the hindrance premium. Opening hours will be requested when owners apply for this premium.

Serious hindrance: For hindrance from roadworks to be considered ‘serious’, the following criteria must cumulatively be met:

  1. One or more road construction projects (partially) taking place at the same time covering a surface of at least 50m2.
  2. The road or one (multiple) traffic lane(s) is (are) completely/ partially blocked.
  3. It must be clear that the roadworks will take place.
  4. The roadworks last at least 30 consecutive calendar days.

