Blended parenting support by an online platform


CKG De Schommel published the selection guidelines on e-notification in mid-July 2020. This selection guide contains the necessary background information and templates for potentially interested candidates for the development, creative design and implementation of a blended guidance platform for parents with parenting questions.

We opted for a 'competition procedure with negotiation' as the procedure. This is a two-step procedure. In a first step, potential executors were invited to apply to carry out the assignment. In a second step, the selected candidates received the complete specifications, on which they could submit a quote. After negotiations, they were asked to submit a 'Best and final offer' on the basis of which the contract could be awarded.

The assignment consists of 2 lots:

  • Lot 1 includes developing, implementing, hosting and maintaining a platform with basic functionalities. 
  • Lot 2 includes the creative design and technical production of assets (infographic, image, drawing, animation, GIF, video, online game, printable exercises, apps, etc.) that can be placed on the platform. The pedagogical content of these exercises, games, advice for parents, etc. will be provided by CKG De Schommel. After all, this content is aligned and complementary with the methods and working methods used during home guidance.

Applications were expected by October 5, 2020. The specifications were delivered to the selected candidates. They could submit a quote by February 16, 2021. After negotiations, the order was awarded to the Linguineo company together with several partners in June 2021. 
