Blockchain on the Move (BotM)


In consultation with the BotM partners, contracts under BotM were tendered through Digipolis' proven Buy from startups tender procedure. This is a 'light' tendering approach specifically aimed at involving small(er) innovative market players in Digipolis' procurements and combines the Negotiation Procedure Without Prior Notice (Negotiation Procedure Without Prior Notice (OZVB) with some aspects of Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP). Buy from startups is a two-stage procedure that first selects suitable candidates for a contract and then conducts negotiations with the selected candidates who have submitted bids. Those negotiations result, through a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) or otherwise, in the award of the contract.

Two contracts were tendered under BotM:

  • The contract for the development of the SSI building block (phase 1 of BotM) was awarded to the supplier Jolocom GmbH;
  • The contract for carrying out a value-added and feasibility analysis of SSI in urban processes (phase 2 of BotM) was awarded to the supplier Layered Prints BVBA.
