DigitAALST for Better Living


In order to specify the needs and challenges of the DigitAalst project, a preliminary process was conducted in cooperation with Addestino Innovation Management.

This process included

  • A thorough needs analysis (by means of workshops with stakeholders),
  • a market analysis of potential solutions and suppliers through desk research
  • a market consultation to bring together and match the supply and demand for the project. The consultation took place on Thursday 4 March 2021. More information via this link

During the market consultation, it was examined to what extent companies can provide solutions for the needs and requirements of the City of Aalst, and how innovative, feasible (in terms of time, budget, development trajectory, etc.) and scalable these solutions are. At the same time, information was gathered on how best to ask and formulate this in the specifications. 

The slides of the consultation are available at the bottom of this page. Addestino has incorporated the acquired insights from the entire preliminary process (needs and market analysis, and market consultation) in a report, which is also available under documents.

Together with the City of Aalst we will translate the insights from the preliminary process into tender specifications that we hope to publish in the beginning of June 2022. 
