Digital Elevation Models of Coastal Areas (DEMCA)


In this pre-commercial tender (PCP) we challenge the industry to develop an innovative solution.

The specific objective of the DEMCA project is to develop a methodology to acquire a seamless area-wide elevation model of an extensive coastal area, whereby data collection takes place (quasi-)simultaneously in the entire area of ​​interest (Flemish coast and the Scheldt estuary). The collected data is validated, processed and stored in a database and is integrated with other bathymetric or topographic datasets into an area-wide and seamless digital elevation model.

The contract document for the purchase of research and development was published on June 30, 2018 on the e-notification platform. The tenders were received by September 17, 2018 via e-tendering. The full award procedure was completed at the end of 2018. The contract has been awarded to dotOcean nv. The intention was to have the first conceptual phase of the project carried out by various (consortia of) suppliers. However, only one proposal was submitted that fully met the stated requirements.

You can find the assignment document at the bottom of the page under documents. An information session was organized on July 2, 2018 to explain the assignment document. The presentations can be found at the bottom of the page under documents.

