Position measurement of ships in locks


Preparation phase together with Verhaert

To better identify the challenges of the project, a preparatory phase was started in early 2021 in collaboration with the consultancy company Verhaert. 

Various work sessions were organized with internal experts to assess the desired functionalities and the innovation potential from a user perspective.

Market Consultation

On 15 June 2021 Flanders Hydraulics Research and PIO organised an online open market consultation with potential suppliers and service providers.

The focus was on companies, consultants and research groups with knowledge and experience about laser scanning, 6DOF measurements, 3D mapping (with high accuracy), software development related to intelligent image processing such as AI, sensor-fusion, etc. Market players with experience in the maritime industry would be an added value. 

The publication in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) is available here 

At the bottom of this page you can find the presentations (in English).

The report summarizing all insights of the needs assessment, market analysis and market consultation as carried out by Verhaert, is also available at the bottom of this page. It is written in Dutch but the executive summary is in English. 

Next steps 

Together with the Flanders Hydraulics Research we will translate the insights into a public tender, that we hope to release in Mid 2022.
