Position measurement of ships in locks



The competitive procedure with negotiation. This procedure is conducted in two phases: a selection phase (based on selection guidelines and applications) and an award phase (based on specifications and tenders).

Selection phase

Flanders Hydraulics Research has published the selection guidelines on 20 July 2022 on e-procurement and TED. The applications are expected by 1 September 2022, 10:00. For the concrete modalities of submission, please refer to the publication. Flanders Hydraulics Research has given more information on the contract on August 17. You can consult the video recording on e-procurement and TED. There will be the possibility to clarify your application orally during an online consultation to be scheduled between September 5 and 9, 2022.

The contract consists of three lots, each of which has a different measuring technique in mind: 

  • Lot 1: Fully non-contact measurement of vessel movements by means of a photogrammetric technique
  • Lot 2: Fully non-contact measurement of vessel movements by means of a freely chosen technique, whereby photogrammetry is not the main technique.
  • Lot 3: Measurement of vessel movements with a set-up where no human contact is made. In this variant it is allowed to make mechanical contact with the ship, e.g. by means of a drone or other devices.

Award phase

Contracts for Lot 1 and Lot 3 were awarded by the end of 2022. No regular tender was received for Lot 2.
