Smart appointments and agreements for education


The project aims to develop, possibly with the help of blockchain technology, an open platform or so-called future-oriented 'electronic personnel file' for smart appointments and agreements within education, and this for the 4 000 schools and 180 000 staff members covered by AGODI and AHOVOKS.

Currently, appointments or agreements for staff members in education still involve quite a lot of paperwork and digital traffic between different computer systems and databases, the various parties involved do not always have an overview of the latest or final version, and certain shortcomings or errors in the appointment are only revealed late.

Staff members often have to submit the same information. An error in an appointment can lead to an incorrect payment of wages or, at a later stage, to an incorrect calculation of pension or other social rights.

Corrections create a particularly heavy workload for the actors involved. The staff member himself has little or late visibility or control over the various appointments in possibly many different schools, except through numerous documents of which possibly as many versions circulate.

A new electronic personnel file would end this 'hopeless administrative mill' and have the following advantages:

  • Reduce the planning burden and administrative overhead required for the current management of appointments in education and realise a clear efficiency gain;
  • Guarantee greater transparency to staff members and the institutions and organisations;
  • Drastically reduce the errors that currently creep in due to a lot of manual work in terms of payroll administration and payroll calculation and also be able to rectify them more quickly;
  • Drastically reduce the number of intermediaries in the current data processing process;
  • The staff member would retain control and direction over the processing and storage of his/her data;
  • ...

In short, the new system would enable smooth and decentralised management of appointments/contracts in education. In time, the platform could be further enriched and interact with relevant data from other organisations (RVA, Certimed, etc.).
