Smart appointments and agreements for education


To sharpen the need and validate it with end users, we organised a thorough preliminary process.

During 2019, four primary user groups were defined:

  • Primary Education (Teachers and secretarial staff)
  • Secondary Education (Teachers and secretarial staff)
  • Memployees of the "software vendors"

Workshops probed each user group for key user requirements from the expertise of the users themselves. This was done by having users formulate use cases and then prioritise them through a planning poker technique. In this way, an attempt was made to draw a first general picture of the project's aspired goals.

Addestino made a preliminary technology estimate of the building blocks needed, but this estimate was not yet presented to interested market players. It was important to get more focus on the next steps first.

During 2020, additional workshops were held with the various Agodi staff involved in the process. These were Agodi's file managers for the three levels of education: Primary, Secondary and Higher Adult Education. 
