Smart Sporting Cities


Selection and award

The selection guide was published on e-procurement on October 5. Applications are expected no later than Thursday, November 5, 09h00. The eligible candidates are expected to present their applications on November 9 or 13 (back-up).

The selection thread can be found at the bottom of the page under documents.

The objective of this project is to measure sports and physical activity in public spaces using IoT applications. This should make it possible to better map sports participation on a micro-local level. The focus is on IoT applications that do not require commitment or participation from an athlete, exerciser or visitor to the public space.

Specifically, we want to monitor the diversity of exercise practices (walking, running, yoga, urban fitness, soccer, frisbee,...) at two locations in Leuven. In doing so, we want to explore, pilot and validate the power of different IoT applications, starting in the spring of 2021.

The pilots should lead to maximum knowledge building and ultimately contribute to a roadmap on monitoring sports and movement based on IoT applications. Sport Flanders can then make this roadmap available to municipalities, cities and other partners, so that they themselves can set up targeted measurement campaigns around movement in order to check whether their policy actions are having the right effect and so be able to outline a better sport and exercise policy for the future.

Explanation of project at info session 2021

On March 11, 2021 Jasper Truyens (Sport Vlaanderen) and Helena Schulpé (Stad Leuven) explained the project during the info session we organized at the PIO Call 2021.

You can find the info session at the bottom of the page under documents.
