Tailormade digital network platform for the sports community


Sports Flanders Agency wants to motivate as many people as possible in Flanders to participate in sports. Within this mission, Sports Flanders Agency closely cooperates with various partners (e.g. local authorities and sports federations) and also supports these partners.

Sports Flanders Agency wants to implement a more knowledge- and data-driven sports policy and is therefore, together with its partners, looking for innovative ways to

  • monitor sports participation more accurately, including data collection on the unaffiliated athletes, and data on potentially sports-minded people
  • for more effective sports promotion and activation towards unaffiliated athletes, and potentially sports-minded people, by providing easy access to (local) sports and exercise opportunities, also to those offered by private parties, and possibly additionally supported by promotors or  buddies.

By developing an online platform with a matching app, Sports Flanders Agency wants to create an upper layer complementary to already existing apps which stimulate people to exercise more, reinforced with an offline policy method and strategy for the partners of Sport Vlaanderen (local administrations, sports federations, ...) to integrate the use of this platform/app in their daily activities. With this platform/app, they want to open up an extra qualitative and attractive range of sports activities  for the unbounded and uncommitted sportsmen and sportswomen.

Sports Flanders Agency wants to create an online sports environment and community which lowers the barriers to participation and social interaction and which increases people's motivation to exercise and sports because, among other things, they get a sense of co-creation in their own range of available sporting activities. This community transcends the various sports disciplines and collects data all over Flanders.
