Taking Argus on the road


As an infrastructure builder and manager, the Agency for Roads and Traffic (AWV) is committed every day to ensuring safe, smooth and sustainable mobility for all Flemish road users on regional, freeways and bicycle paths.

Road inspectors carry out daily inspections to monitor conditions and guarantee the safety of road users. Currently, these road inspections are done visually and all roads are inspected on a regular basis. This method is time-consuming and intensive.

Through its Asset Management program, AWV is committed to evolving into a data-driven organization. AWV wants to make optimal use of the possibilities offered by digital methods and technologies to collect, manage and use correct, complete and up-to-date information about the assets. This by implementing innovative solutions to automate and objectify inspections and condition assessment of the road assets. Camera images with image analysis through AI, sensors, floating road user data, crowdsourcing, ... are avenues to be explored.

Through Argus, AWV will more accurately and quickly detect hazards and defects which will contribute to increased safety. Uniform condition assessment will lead to preventive maintenance and safer, smoother and more sustainable management of our assets.
