Incontinence care 2.0


Assignment of evaluator for pilot projects

On 30 October 2020, the assignment of evaluator for pilot projects on 'Incontinence Care 2.0' was awarded to Kunigi. Together with ZorgSaam, Kunigi defined the test environment, including the criteria for selection and evaluation of the pilot set-ups. These criteria are contained in the specifications for the call for pilots addressed to smart incontinence material suppliers.

Once the suppliers are selected and the pilots in progress (spring and summer 2021), Kunigi will be responsible for evaluating the pilots and pooling the resulting knowledge and insights.

Contract for participation in pilot projects

On 13 July 2021, the contract for participation in the pilot projects was awarded to Ontex and Essity. Each supplier will be given the opportunity to test its technology and service successively for eight weeks each in two different residential care centres under the ZorgSaam umbrella, namely WZC Sint-Eligius in Zeveneken and WZC Moervaartheem in Wachtebeke. Kunigi was present for the purpose of a systematic and objective evaluation of the products and services.

Ontex - Orizon

Preparations for the first pilot projects started in late August - early September 2021. Initially, the added value of ORIZON, a smart incontinence management solution from Ontex, was validated by care staff and residents at two residential care centres.

The ORIZON incontinence material looks like a regular nappy, but it incorporates an ink sensor. In addition, the nappy is fitted with a clip that transmits data from the smart nappy. That clip connects to the software and provides information and notifications to care staff via a mobile app and web portal. When the nappy is saturated, a notification arrives on the caregivers' screen. Colour coding is used to indicate the degree of saturation and make targeted suggestions for action. Each resident within the pilot project has a personalised clip attached to the nappy, so caregivers know which person's nappy needs to be changed.
More info on the above pilot project


Essity - TENA Smart Care - Identifi en Change indicator

Eind november 2021 startte Essity met de voorbereiding van zijn piloten om effectief in de loop van januari 2022 te beginnen proefdraaien op de geselecteerde afdelingen van de twee WZC's van ZorgSaam.

De Essity Smart Care incontinentie-oplossing hanteert twee fasen. Eerst wordt m.b.v. de TENA Identifi, uitgerust met een logger, het plaspatroon van de bewoner in kaart gebracht gedurende 72 uur. Eens het patroon gekend is, wordt gewerkt met de TENA Change Indicator. Dit is een elektronische vochtindicator in de vorm van een herbruikbare strip die aan het TENA-verband wordt gehecht en aangeeft wanneer het materiaal verzadigd is. Wanneer het verband verzadigd is, komt er een melding binnen op de smartphones van de zorgverleners, zodat zij weten bij welke persoon het incontinentiemateriaal dient vervangen te worden.

More info on the above pilot project
