Incontinence care 2.0


The preliminary project, supported by Addestino Innovation Management, showed that various solutions (smart nappies, sensors, etc.) already existed on the market that could meet the needs of vzw Zorg-Saam. Nevertheless, doubts arise about the maturity and performance of the solutions in practice and how they can best be embedded in the day-to-day incontinence policy of residential care centres. Moreover, those solutions might require adaptations to the existing infrastructure (call systems) in residential care centres, and in time would also be best linked to each resident's care file. Before considering these investments, it is advisable to set up one or more pilot projects. Only in a real setting can it be validated whether the technology actually adds value for care users and care providers.

Assignment evaluator for pilot projects

To achieve an objective definition and evaluation of the pilot arrangements, Zorg-Saam wishes to appoint a neutral evaluator whose tasks include the following:

Defining pilot set-up Drawing up evaluation frameworkAdvising the selection of participating pilots Evaluating pilot set-upsReporting the results

The specifications can be found below under documents. Deadline bids: 27 October 2020.

For this purpose, the evaluator is supposed to use the insights from the preliminary process. These were contained in a report.  

More information about the task for evaluator was provided during an online info session on Friday 9 October 2020 from 13:30 to 14:30.

Assignment/Call for participation in pilot projects

Together with the evaluator, ZorgSaam has clarified in late 2020 and early 2021 the design of the pilots and how they will be evaluated and compared against objective criteria.

The specifications below set out the criteria under which smart incontinence material suppliers will be allowed to participate in the pilots and under which the evaluation of those (max. four) pilots will take place. The call for participation was sent out to suppliers on 9 February 2021. Quotes were expected by 12 noon on 3 March 2021.
