Incontinence care 2.0


Discussion results

On 29 September 2022, ZorgSaam employees presented their experiences with the solutions to the two suppliers Ontex and Essity. They also formulated points for improvement for future developments.

Evaluator Kunigi summarised the conclusions using two presentations that can be found at the bottom of the page under documents. 

Positive experience: 'More comfort - less work'

The care staff at ZorgSaam are very satisfied with the course of the pilots. The staff worked on it with enthusiasm and drive, and that in extremely difficult and uncertain Covid times (with staff shortages, temporary work, etc.).

The guidance and training they received from the suppliers on how to use the solutions was much appreciated, as was their hands-on support on the shop floor and easy accessibility in case of problems.

After a short run-in period of 'trial and error', the solutions have proven to add value for residents (at least the target group identified in the pilots of residents with relatively severe incontinence problems) and carers, and also lead to less waste of materials (waste). The smart technology enables incontinence management tailored to each resident. Staff were disappointed that the pilots were completed after eight weeks. They would have liked to continue using the smart equipment. 

Success factors

  • Accuracy of the solutions: false positive alarms cause frustration, stress and reduce staff confidence in the solutions
  • A strong network
  • Easy to use (minimal extra handling for care staff)
  • Good education and training provided to introduce the changes on the shop floor step by step
  • Fast accessibility and approachability of suppliers in case of problems 

Points for improvement - Suggestions for future developments:

  • Smart equipment that can also detect bowel movements. This would be a big plus, for both residents and caregivers. 
  • Integration with the existing systems (call system, care file) is recommended, so that all information can be entered and consulted by care personnel on one device. 
  • Continue to focus on maximum user-friendliness. When care personnel are under time pressure, carelessness sometimes creeps into their actions (wrong setting, wrong bandage, etc.) so that the smart solution does not work or works incorrectly. 

Added value of pilots: public-private cooperation aimed at creating a win-win

Suppliers Ontex and Essity have indicated that ZorgSaam's suggestions are very high on their agenda and they will work on them in the near future. In this way, the pilots not only provided useful insights for ZorgSaam, but also for the suppliers. Thanks to the pilots, they can optimise their products and services in the future.

Press conference

Following this, ZorgSaam ZKJ organised a press conference on 29 September 2022 at WZC Sint-Eligius in Lochristi to publicly announce the results of the pilots.

All parties involved signed present and took the floor. The results showed that technology and quality care go hand in hand and mutually support and reinforce each other.

"A successful project in which the lived experience of residents with dementia was our guide and in which we arrived at innovative and qualitative incontinence care across sectors and in multidisciplinary co-creation. This thorough way of working together prevents innovations that are offered 'plug & play' from ending up in the cupboard after a few months. This project has made it clear that innovation in healthcare, is not a nice-to-have, but a must-have," Filip Van Daele, the IT manager at Zorg-Saam who initiated this project at PIO in 2019, concluded his speech.

Smart incontinence materials increase residents' comfort and ease the work of caregivers. More sleep. Better tailored care. Workable work and less waste and waste.

Report in the media:

  • Which 'smart nappy' is the best? Residential care centres in Wachtebeke and Lochristi take the test. "This saves nurses unnecessary work", by Cedric Matthys, Het Laatste Nieuws of 29 September 2022
  • Caregivers spend time more efficiently thanks to 'smart nappy', Care magazine of 30 September 2022. 
  • Pilot project "Smart nappies: incontinence care 2.0", ZorgNet Icuro, 25 October 2022.

'Taken from life' testimony by Filip Van Daele:

Filip Van Daele during a webinar on the PIO call 2023, specifically aimed at the healthcare sector, dd 19 January 2023, gave a 'real-life' testimonial on the process ZorgSaam went through with PIO. More info on the webinar can be found at the bottom of the page under documents.
